Humidification & Water Systems

Field Trailer Misting System

Field Trailer Misting System

Pendred’s Field Trailer Misting System generates tiny droplets of water (20 micron), which are distributed through nozzles mounted on the ceiling of your trailer.  The nozzles spray a fine mist of water every few minutes to surround your product with a delicate layer of moisture, almost invisible to the eye.

At the moment of harvest your product begins to lose water, and so quality. But with Pendred’s Field Misting System you provide a protective layer of moisture around the product which will minimise post-harvest dehydration, work to remove field heat, and preserve your crop in “as picked” condition.
The system can be switched on whilst loading the field trailer, so that every layer of produce on a pallet receives a protective coating of water. Consequently, you can protect your product from the drying conditions in the field, in transit, and the drying effects of refrigeration on the farm.

For more information and to discuss your requirements please call 020 8461 1155 or email.